Hey there, you’re undoubtedly reading this because you’ve just googled my name, or one of my projects.
1211.net is a domain I first registered in 1997, for projects long since left to history. Since the domain still houses my primary email address however, I keep a small gathering of information about myself here still.
I’m a software guy - writing platform services and products these days - but for the longest time I was an information security and forensics practitioner, doing incident response and investigations work. If you know that world, you’ve probably seen me at an infosec conference or twenty, or may know me by my handle from the 90’s - “Databeast”. That picture you’re seeing on the right is my entry from the “Faces of DEFCON” project, courtesy of the ever-awesome mister Eddie Mize.
Originally from the North of England, I’ve been living and working in the USA since the 90’s and now call Las Vegas home. It’s a nice change from perpetual rain at least, but you can’t find a good Lancashire Hotpot here for love nor money.